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Company number 01699536

Company snapshot

What's included in the company snapshot?

The snapshot includes:

  • Filing history
  • Officers
  • Persons with significant control
  • Charges
  • Insolvency
  • Registers
View company information snapshot link opens in new tab/window

Order a certified certificate

Use this service to order a signed certificate of incorporation, which can include key details about the company and a statement of good standing.

What you'll need

To use the service, you'll need:

  • to choose the company information you want to be included on the certificate
  • the address you want the certificate to be delivered to (UK or international)
  • a credit or debit card for payment
Order certificate

Order a certified document

Use this service to order a certified copy of a document from a company's filing history.

What you'll need

To use the service, you'll need:

  • to choose the document you want to be certified
  • the address you want the document to be delivered to (UK or international)
  • a credit or debit card for payment
Order certified document